Proven Cost Effective Root & Weed Control
BIOBARRIER® is a product that is imported from the U.S. that is being distributed worldwide to many countries including Canada, U.K, China, Denmark, Japan, South Africa and now New Zealand.
The only product in the world available that protects property from root damage.
Proven by more than 35 years of agricultural use, trifluralin is an effective, non-systemic herbicide, released in a gaseous form in the soil. It simply creates a zone around your hardscape and landscape investments that inhibits root growth. The chemical is not going out into the soil and spreading but staying in a gaseous from within 50mm of where the material is laid. A one-time installation of BIOBARRIER® Root & Weed Control System means years of security from roots or weeds growing where they’re not wanted. Constant maintenance is a thing of the past with these easy-to-use systems, allowing you to spend your time and budget in other areas.
BioBarrier Root & Weed Control System
BIOBARRIER® Root Control protects adjacent structures from root damage. Used vertically, BIOBARRIER® stops continued root growth allowing for healthier trees. Placed beside the object to be protected, BIOBARRIER® creates a zone of protection on all sides of the nodules. Roots growing into the zone are redirected while roots outside the zone continue to grow normally; tree health is not impacted since Trifluralin is not systemic.
BIOBARRIER® Weed Control used horizontally provides effective weed control. Weeds not only create an unsightly appearance, they compete with desired plants for nutrients and water. Traditional methods of dealing with weeds -pulling them by hand, which is not always effective since roots can break and remain; using sprays that can drift into desirable plants or contaminate water; or mechanical weedeating - places workers in unsafe situations. In addition, the time and money necessary for this kind of constant maintenance can be prohibitive.
BIOBARRIER® & Barrier Root Control
Sue Roff is the director of Barrier Root Control NZ, and the sole importer of BioBarrier into Australasia.
As a Registered Landscape Architect and a Certified Arborist, Sue has the skills and the qualifications to solve any tree root & weed problems.
My expertise includes both landscape and tree services.
As an arborist Sue can undertake tree assessment works to advise where the product BioBarrier can be used most efficiently.
BIOBARRIER® is a product that can help protect ,not only structures but also trees from having to be removed due to the damage tree roots can cause. By importing BIOBARRIER®, Sue has found a tool that allows her to create and maintain trees and other landscapes without having to worry about property damage.
BIOBARRIER® is an exciting product newly available in New Zealand.
For more information about BIOBARRIER® - Call Sue directly on: 021 635 835
Sue Roff, Director.
Registered Landscape Architect / Arborist
Barrier Root Control Director, Sue Roff with Buddy & Holly
“Of all paths you take in life, make sure a few of them are dirt.” – John Muir.